Election Day is June 21st.

Thank you, Athens, for taking us to the runoff! Your vote matters now more than ever. Vote Matt Pulver to continue our progressive path forward.


Fighting back.

A Democrat and a progressive, Matt has been an advocate and organizer for social, racial, and economic justice during his 25 years in Athens, and is proud to be deeply rooted with his family in the city he loves.

Matt helped found United Campus Workers of Georgia, the first union protecting workers' rights in the University System of Georgia. He helped lead the movement with EJC to double wages for the lowest paid workers on UGA's campus.

Matt has also spent the last eight years helping bring to light many untold stories of black Athenians' history, wrote the longest piece ever published in Flagpole, the story of Alf Richardson, Freedom Fighter and Athens' first black public official, and is committed to the ongoing struggle for recognition and redress of racial violence.



State Rep. Spencer Frye

Commissioner Mariah Parker

Commissioner Jesse Houle

Commissioner Russell Edwards

Commissioner Carol Myers

Former Athens for Everyone President Erin Stacer